Friday, March 20, 2009

Zoo Day

So we decided to take adventage of the beautiful spring weather by taking Christian to the zoo. He loves animals and we knew he would have lots of fun. We met up with his friend Kaleb and they enjoyed the zoo from the comfort of a wagon, I think that was Christian's favorite part!
Christian and Kaleb about to start their zoo adventureIt was a beautiful spring day!The boys taking in all the sights and sounds at the zoo
The boys being silly and showing off their tummies!!He loved the orangutans! Especially the cute baby one! Christian and Daddy looking at the monkeys Christian checking out the lions or as he calls them "roar"s or more like "rars"! The boys are giving me a break from pulling the wagon! Poor baby passed out before we even got outside the zoo gates!

1 comment:

Morales Family said...

I am so glad that you are having great weather to enjoy. Christian is getting so big! God Bless you guys!